Multi-Purpose Stoppers

Kiba®-Quality- "Made in Germany"

Thanks to their conic shape, Kiba multi-purpose stoppers are suitable for a variety of applications. They are equally ideal for closing boreholes as for protecting male threadsand shaft extensions. Standard Kiba multi-purpose stoppers are made of LD-PE and are yellow in colour. Please see the key for special orders for details of further stopper materials and colours. The mentioned applications are merely recommendations; actual use of the stoppers is at the discretion of the respective user. It is suggested that stoppers are tested for suitability for a given purpose, for which we will gladly provide samples. Additional information may be obtained on request.

Article Female Male Dimensions in mm Packing
  metric threads pipe threads metric threads pipe threads D D1 D2 h d1 d2 pieces per bag
M 01 M 6 M 6x0,5 M 4
M 4x0,5 10 4.4 6.2 10 2.8 4.6 5000
M 02 M 8 M 8x1 M 5
M 6
M 5x0,5 11 6 7.8 10 4.4 6.2 5000
M 03 M10
13 7.6 9.4 10 6 7.8 5000
M 04 M 10x1 G 1/8 M 8
M 8x1 14 8.4 10.2 10 6.8 8.6 5000
M 05 M 12
14 9.2 11 10 7.5 9.3 5000
M 06 M 12x1,5
M 10x1 15 9.9 11.7 10 8.3 10.1 5000
M 07 M 14 M 10
G 1/8 16 10.6 12.4 10 9 10.8 1000
M 08 M 14x1,5 G 1/4
17 11.3 13.1 10 9.5 11.2 5000
M 09 M 12
M 12x1,5 18 12 14.1 12 10.4 12.5 1000
M 10 M 16
18 12.5 14.6 12 11.2 13.3 1000
M 11 M 16x1,5
G 1/4 19 13.5 15.6 12 11.9 14 1000
M 12 M 18 G 3/8 M 14
M 14x1,5 19 14 16.1 12 12.4 14.5 1000
M 13
21 14.7 17 13 13.2 15.5 1000
M 14 M 20 M 16
M 16x1,5 22 16.3 18.6 13 14.7 17 1000
M 15 M 20x1,5
G 3/8 22 17.1 19.4 13 15.5 17.8 1000
M 16 G 1/2 M 18
M 18x1,5 24 17.5 20.1 15 15.9 18.5 1000
M 17 M 22 M 20x1
25 18.4 21 15 16.8 19.4 1000
M 18 M 24 M 22x1,5
25 19 21.6 15 17.4 20 1000
M 19 M 22x1 G 5/8 M 20
M 20x1,5 27 20.4 23.2 16 18.8 21.6 1000
M 20 M 24x1,5
G 1/2 28 20.7 23.5 16 19.1 21.9 500
M 21 M 22
M 22x1,5 29 22 24.8 16 20.4 23.2 500
M 22 M 26x1,5 G 3/4 M 24
M 24x2,5 G 5/8 30 23.2 26.3 18 21.2 24.4 500
M 23 M 30
32 24.5 27.8 19 22.9 26.2 500
M 24 M 28x1,5
M 26x1,5 G 3/4 33 25.2 29.2 19 23.7 27.7 500
M 24a M 30x1
33 26.4 30.4 19 24.9 28.9 500
M 25 M 33 M 30x1,5
M 28x1,5 35 27.8 31.1 19 26.2 29.5 500
M 26 M 36 M 32x1,5 G 1 M 30
M 30x1,5 37 29.8 32.6 16 28.3 31.1 500
M 27 M 33
M 32x1,5 38 31.4 35.1 21 29.7 33.4 500
M 28 M 36x1,5 G 1 1/8
G 1 41 33.3 37.1 22 31.7 35.5 500
M 29 M 42 M 40x1,5 M 36
M 38x1,5 G 1 1/8 45 36.7 40.5 22 35.2 39 250
M 29a M 42x2 G 1 1/4
45 38.4 40.7 13 36.9 39.2 250
M 30 M 45
M 40x1,5 48 38.2 43 23 36.6 41.4 250
M 31 M 48 M 42x1,5 G 1 3/8
48 39.6 42.9 19 38 41.9 250
M 32 M 45,1,5 M 42
M 42x1,5 G 1 1/4 49 41.4 44.7 19 39.7 43 250
M 33 M 52 G 1 3/8 M 45
G 1 378 51 44.4 47.7 19 42.8 46.1 250
M 34 M 48x1,5
54 45.2 49.6 25 43.6 48 250
M 35 M 56 M 48
M 48x1,5 G 1 1/2 55 46.6 51 25 45.2 49.6 100
M 36 M 60 G 1 3/4
M 52x1,5 G 1 3/4 62 52.5 56.9 25 50.8 55.2 100
M 37 M 64
65 54 59.3 25 52.5 57.8 100
M 38 G 2
65 54.2 58.6 25 52.6 57 100
M 39 M 68 M 60x1,5
M 60x1,5 G 2 67 58.4 62.8 25 56.7 61.1 100
M 40 M 64x1,5 G 2 1/4
M 62x1,5 71 60.7 67.1 29 59 64.3 100
M 41 M 70x1,5
75 67.1 70.4 19 65.4 68.7 100
M 42 M 75x1,5 G 2 1/2
M 72x1,5 83 72.4 75.7 19 70.8 74.1 100
M 43 G 3
92 84.5 87.8 19 82.4 85.7 100

 Subject to technical alteration.

Kirsebauer Kunststoff Verschlusselemente